“Flights to Milan” visualizes the daily flights to Milan from all worldwide cities. Expo 2015 will be hosted in Milan, Italy. It is important to show how the city is connected to the rest of the...
This piece of work is an interactive data visualisation of the percentage of trains from fifteen different train companies that were delayed over a four-year period. It is designed in a way that...
In schemas for Ulysses, Joyce describes the compositional technique behind the “Sirens” episode as including the “eight regular parts of a fuga per canonem,” later reworded to a “fugue with all...
The interactive election map shows every single vote cast in Berlin in the German Federal Election 2013.
On the one hand it shows a unique image of the odd voting behavior in the German capital....
This interactive visualization is mainly aimed at the researchers and policy makers of two large Dutch medical research centers, AMC and VUmc. These centers recently started a large-scale research...
This video imagines a future where Earth has been ravaged by wars, cyclones, food shortages, destructive weather and turned into areas of uninhabitable zones. And yet cities would still make bids...
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
White Night Marathon took place in St.Petersburg on June 29, 2014. We've created a visualization of marathon results for runners and fans. The city map shows the marathon route while an interactive...
This Infographic shows the changes in Formula One in the season 2014. How the Red Bull Car 2014 had changed to 2013. You can see many informations about driverfield, races, budgets and all new...
Starmap of Nobel Prize is designed to illustrate 113 years history of the Noble Prize. We put all Noble Prize winner's details into our data base, then use data mining and visualization technology...
The Swiss Public Value Atlas compares the public value generated by the top 50 companies. The ranking can be analyzed by 4 dimensions: Fulfillment of tasks, social cohesion, moral and quality of...
The first massive open online course, or MOOC, launched in September 2008 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Via the web, anyone could attend the class on learning theory, and 2,000 people...
Entertainment Media Use in the Middle East, carried out by Northwestern University in Qatar with the collaboration and support of Doha Film Institute, is an interactive tool that explores not only...
What happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy? This exceptionally vertical magazine page spread shows it all, addressing several topics, head to toe. The page is part of a special series of...
Due to its popularity and to its policy that allows anyone to edit pages, Wikipedia often becomes a battlefield, where different factions try to impose their view on controversial topics...
Italians often complain about their politicians being too old and detached. But are they really?
The project allows users to explore and find out the ages of Italian Parliament members, viewing...
The Center for Public Integrity systematically examined the new radical reordering of campaign finance in 2012 state level elections to assess the impact of the Citizens United U.S. Supreme Court...
The visualization returns a map of the thirty countries that receive more aids from the European Union.
The size of the countries on the map are changed in proportion to the funds received....