Poster about veganism. The central image explains guidelines for how to carry out a healthy vegan diet, and the elements around it explain data related to this position.
This infographic was produced as an alternate outcome of my final major project at university. I decided to research how to communicate the possibilities of virtual reality and augmented reality...
Snow is vital to the environmental health of the western United States. Unlike rainfall, it doesn't come as one burst that's here and then quickly gone. Instead, it tends to accrue over the winter...
Two-thirds of the money spent by Indian households go to roti, kapda aur makaan (food and beverages, clothing and footwear, and housing) alone. What about households in other developing countries?...
This was my final project for a cartography course during my GIS certificate program at Hunter College a couple years ago. I knew I wanted to do a 3D "topographical" map and I had worked with...
The scientists at the Amboseli Trust for Elephant have studied the same population of elephants since 1972. They know most individuals by name, as well as their genealogy.
We built this...
The work aims to point out most common air pollutants in and outside our homes. They vary from small sources like aerosols from pets and formaldehyde form beauty products to the biggest pollutants...
Gender inequalities are thought to have first appeared with the advent of agriculture, when a clear distinction was made between the role of women and men in all spheres of social life. Men in...
There are two phenomena which converged towards the writing of this blogpost. First of, the recent US elections have put into question, yet again, the voting system used in electing the US...
Ron had a wand of ash wood and a core of unicorn hair— before he broke it after a nasty encounter with the Whomping Willow, of course.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the first ever...
Datasets which have the same statistical properties, yet produce dissimilar graphs, are an effective tool to demonstrate the importance of visualizing your data. Anscombe’s Quartet is the famous...
Christopher Nolan`s Thriller Memento deals with a man who suffers from a short-term memory loss, an alleged murder and the nature of the crime. Furthermore the component of vengeance is addressed....
It wasn’t a big surprise, but it was a big deal — so much so that North Korea issued commemorative stamps. Two successful missile launches in July almost certainly proved that the country had...
While ozone levels in Clark County, Nevada generally fall into the good to moderate category, they occasionally reach unhealthy to very unhealthy levels between late spring and early autumn,...
It started with The Sex Pistols. Specifically, with The Sex Pistols’ June 4, 1976 show at the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester, England. The concert now ranks as one of the most influential...
The visualization work presented here arises from the desire to synthesize and visualize in a single graphic document the multifaceted methodological structure of the Monitoring Program that the...
Subreddits that had "active" users in common between 2015-2016 are linked by a directed edge whose weight is proportional to the fraction of users from one subreddit that were also active in the...
The Report involves a range of data visualizations, depicting diverse phenomena and processes within the company. Each of them is a result of multistage processing of data, through spreadsheets,...
The typical red/blue U.S. election map is in some ways deceiving. Since there is no adjustment made for population density, the balance of colors often tells you very little about which candidate...
Plastic is ubiquitous in our everyday lives – so much that we cannot imagine living without it, nor see how dependent we have become on it. Plastic is in almost everything. Plastic production...
Infographic design about the 10 editions of the 'Anuario de Ilustradores' (Illustrators’ Yearbook), a self-initiated and crowdfunded project in which I’ve participated for 9 years. This piece shows...
According to "How Stuff Works", the Internet of Things, or IoT, “consists of all the web-enabled devices that collect, send, and act on data they acquire from their surrounding environments using...
Landmarks on Venus are named after famous women or goddesses. I made a topographic map introducing the woman behind each name. You can find the full-size map here.
I created a Data-driven Design based on Albert Pujols great achievement hitting his 600th home run in the MLB this year with the Los Angeles Angels. He is only the 9th MLB player to ever hit this...
This infographic shows a report of white wine and another one of red wine. It is published in a digital newspaper of tourism, leisure and gastronomy. Each report explains what there is to know...