Academic affinities are one of the most fundamental hidden dynamics that drive scientific development. Some affinities are actual, and consequently can be measured through classical academic...
This visualization shows every play from Super Bowl 42 as a hop. The length of the hop is the number of yards gained. The height of the hop is the play type colored by the team. Circles are...
A deep dive into dog breeding history and the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Dogs have been companions to humans for thousands of years and as the relationship has developed, so have various...
We are immersed in a digital age where our data is collected, mined, and shared by companies trying to target and control our behaviors. To inform people about targeted advertisements, a...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly jobs report is an important measure of our economy’s health. But much of the news coverage overestimates the importance of early numbers that are subject to...
The biodiagram illuminates my past experience working at a dog-friendly company. I chose seven canine coworkers as the theme of the infographic, illustrated the portraits for each of them and...
The right to health is inherent in the nature of all human beings by the simple fact of being, its foundation, like that of other human rights, is found in human dignity, which confers on all...
From his early childhood years sketching in the dirt to his final hours at age 91, Pablo Picasso was devoted to mastering his deeply personal art. Tens of thousands of works that touch on countless...
In the wake of the first official summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, see which foreign leaders the two men have each spoken to and met with most...
IBM Immersive Insights is a data exploration tool that applies AR technology to data exploration and communication. Users are able to view their data in 3D using the AR wearable tool, and within...
Mercury Retrograde is something I just got into this year and have found super interesting. Basically, 3 or 4 times a year, the planet Mercury does this weird thing where it looks like it's moving...
The bird cage in China is famous for its fine materials and fine workmanship, which is both applicable and beautiful. In order to adapt to the life habits of different birds, the ornamental cage...
To everything there is a season, and diseases are no different. Google search patterns show us what health issues people worry about, when they worry about them, and how epidemics spread through...
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It last made voice contact less than an hour...
My visualization is showing survey results for the MyWorld survey looking at people’s perception on the successful (or not) achievement of sustainable development goals. As a part of the UN SDG...
70Years of 07 Sister States in an interactive data visualization which tries to portray the changes Northeast India has witnessed across various political, social and economic spheres over the past...
This comprehensive, trans-boundary atlas contains over 100 maps of Arctic marine mammals, seabirds, sea ice, subsistence, and more. The Atlas is organized into six sections that build, layer by...
FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) studied the migratory scenarios experienced by the United States, Canada, Australia, and Germany and calculated how scenarios similar to those would impact...
Luna Land is a theme park in California. This corporate report was designed to encourage interest and take the reader on a journey using illustrated characters which reflect the spirit of the park...
In an era of rapidly changing cities and demographics, The Post wanted to measure the changes in race and ethnicity since the 1990s. To explore these national changes, we analyzed census data...
An interactive map to understand when New Year starts around the World, published on Il Sole 24 Ore