This visualisation is about Italo Calvino, one among the most well-known and studied writers in contemporary Italian literature. The visualisation depicts his most important published works and his...
The visualization explores the levels of freedom in countries according to Freedom in the World, Freedom House’s flagship publication, that is the standard-setting comparative assessment of global...
This visualisation is about Italo Calvino, one among the most well-known and studied writers in contemporary Italian literature. This network-graph visualisation depicts the mental library of the...
Domestic violence has long been rooted in Chinese families. But public understanding of domestic violence is still unclear, or even unaware of the threat. Starting from the process and steps of...
Data is based on crime incident reports provided by Boston Police Department (BPD) documenting the initial details surrounding an incident to which BPD officers respond.
The two large prints (150x75cm) are visualizations of income inequality in Los Angeles and Chicago. They are printed on matte Somerset Velvet paper and mounted on thick wooden boards. The images...
The Ching Ming Festival is not just a traditional Chinese cultural festival. It is the most sensational festival of the year for Chinese Zhuang people.
My first data visualization project for an Introduction to Data Visualization course. Our project brief: “Come up with a compelling focus or narrative” about financial hardship in Florida.
Eating a poor quality diet high in junk food is linked to a higher risk of obesity, depression, digestive issues, heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death.
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has made possible the expansion the mapping to previously unmapped areas, thanks to technological advancements such as Web 2.0 and satellite imagery....
This poster shows the "genealogy" of past and current faculty at the University of Miami, based on Gilda Santana's research: where faculty went to school, their research focus, and their time at...
Twenty-four solar terms reflect the change of seasonal climate, and keeping in good health should follow the trend. In the design of the information chart of "Twenty-four Solar Terms Health Care...
Mawangdui No.1 Han Tomb is an influential cultural heritage in China. It has a lot of elegant unearthed cultural relics which includes a variety of fabrics.This work makes a brief introduction of...
The birth of the printing press not only revolutionized education and knowledge, it also reshaped the design of letterforms. This opened up a whole industry for printers-scholars, type cutters, and...
This map visualizes the orbits of more than 18000 asteroids in the solar system. This includes everything we know of that’s over 10km in diameter - about 10000 asteroids - as well as 8000...
Unconsciously, the name "small steel teeth" has been with me for nearly two years, from the initial worry, tension, and some unacceptable; To later slowly adapt to slowly accustomed, and then to...
DrWhy is a collection of tools for Explainable AI (XAI). It involves a set of data visualizations, explaining different aspects of predictive Machine Learning models and their performance.
This work comes from my personal love for classical objects, especially the shape of the phonograph. I use information graphics to express the content of the work with more patterns and less words....
Taking the winter solstice of the 24 solar terms as the main route, the traditional food culture of eating dumplings in the north and eating tangyuan in the south is introduced through the...
Silicon-based civilization is already integrated into people's lives. Carbon-based civilization is the culture formed by organisms, while silicon-based civilization is driven mainly by data, which...
[released Apr 26 2018]
Using a set of interactive visualisations this interactive report shows various aspects of the «topography of institutions» involved in the phenomenon of...
As the first mathematical monograph in ancient China, Jiuzhang Suanshu is the most important part of the ten books of Suanjing, and also the symbol of the formation of a complete system of ancient...
This infographic was made for class with the intent of informing anyone who views it information on bats and how important they are for people and the environment to help spread awareness to the...
This graph illustrates the nine major landforms and five major terrain types in China in the form of an infographic, also showing the formation of each landform and partial area ratio of terrain to...
Lord rabbit is very traditional of Beijing and has become one of the most representative Beijing non-material cultural heritage. We chose to use it as a subject. The purpose of the work is in the...
30° is a data visualization of marine data in the form of an installation. The measurement data originate from the thirtieth longitude and are printed in chronological order in small typography on...