The Shadow Peace is a documentary series that asks thought-provoking questions about war, peace, and humanity using a unique form of cinematic data visualization. The first episode, "The Nuclear... provides readers with a rich variety of content that charts the development of the data visualisation field. The site is managed and edited by data visualization specialist Andy...
This infographic comprehensively maps out all the ways of winning in different sports, clustering the world's sports according to what counts as winning (eg, being the fastest, being the most...
In the context of understanding the complex phenomenon of violent religious radicalization, this map details the journey of ISIS’ foreign fighters to the territories of the Caliphate, as well as of...
With a large data-art landscape and accompanying charts I show the data on suicide numbers of 2017 from the Netherlands. Elements like trees, waves and clouds represent the categories of suicide...
Market Cafe Magazine is the world's first magazine about data visualization founded in 2017 by information designers Tiziana Alocci and Piero Zagami.
Reading Market Cafe Magazine you will hear...
Sexual violence in Australia is pervasive but rarely prosecuted, much less punished. Invisible Crime is an attempt to give a count to these crimes, a texture to the experiences of those who survive...
On June 23rd, a group of 12 boys from a local soccer team, and their coach, went missing in a cave complex in northern Thailand. The entire world followed their rescue.
MTA Ridership Changes due to COVID-19 recounts what happened to New York City during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Data visualization agency TWO-N began the project wanting to create...
The Fallen of World War II is an interactive documentary that examines the human cost of the second World War and the decline in battle deaths in the years since the war. The 15-minute data...
In the early euphoria following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Germany moved quickly to erase the scars of its Cold War division. But East Germany’s legacy remains visible in...
To celebrate Starbucks’ first ever store in Italy, the Starbucks Reserve Roastery Milan in Piazza Cordusio, Accurat designed a massive floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall visual representation of...
I made this using 44 animations that are 9 frames each. That's 396 sketches total - probably the most complicated GIF I've made so far. I am a little sad that I wasn't able to show size properly...
Literary elites love to rep Shakespeare’s vocabulary: across his entire corpus, he uses 28,829 words, suggesting he knew over 100,000 words and arguably had the largest vocabulary, ever. I decided...
How does the impact of a scientist's work change over a scientific career?
Does impact, arguably the most relevant performance measure, follow predictable patterns?
Can we predict the timing...
Degrees of Uncertainty is an animated data-driven documentary about climate science, uncertainty, and knowing when to trust the experts. Using cinematic depictions of past and future climate...
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have played Google’s game Quick, Draw! prompting us to ask what takeaways it might have for global culture, like whether your location and language... is a popular infographic creator. It enables anyone to make beautiful, interactive data visualizations in just a few minutes. Infogram is used by online media, schools, governments and...
Imagine escaping home and embarking on a dangerous sea voyage to find refuge, only to realise that another nightmare has just begun. This is the reality for Rohingya refugees who flee from Myanmar...
This book is based on the Financial Times Visual Vocabulary and organises 74 charts into 9 categories, providing a practical handbook for beginners in data visualisation. The book's title, "Say...
Data sketches is a ±yearlong collaboration in 12 instalments. On average taking a month per project, Nadieh & Shirley create an extensive data visualization of a different topic and write about...
NBA's leading scorer: LeBron James has surpassed 38,387 points, the record set by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar over 30 years ago. Graphics team members Mitchell Thorson and Ramon Padilla partnered with Jeff...
This visualization explores the story of Nobel prizes through years.
Visualized for each laureate are prize category, year the prize was awarded, and age of the recipient at the time, as well as...