
Introducing our judges, part 4

While the votes are rolling in, take a look at the final installment of our 'meet the judges' series & discover the dataviz stars who will help decide the winners.


Tiago Veloso is the founder of Visualoop, a digital environment dedicated to all things data visualization and infographics.

@TSSveloso |



Mike Bostock is the creator of D3.js and a former graphics editor for The New York times. He works in data visualization, design and open source.



Max Gadney runs After the Flood, a London-based data design studio who work with the NHS, GOV.UK, Google, BBC and UEFA.

@Afterthefloodco |


Tony is a designer who works with data science and storytelling. His work is driven first by understanding statistics and data, and then by helping others do the same.

@tonyhschu |



Graduated Astronomer, turned Data Scientist, turned self-taught Data Visualization Designer. Spending all her free time on personal data visualization projects and weird SVG experiments. Loves the opensource community and shares the code to all her visuals. 

@NadiehBremer |



David is an award-winning writer and journalist, founder of the blog Information is Beautiful. Author of the best-selling infographics book Information is Beautiful and its sequel Knowledge is Beautiful. His work has appeared in over 40 publications internationally, including The Guardian, Wired, and Die Zeit. | @mccandelish



YOU have the opportunity to help decide the winners. Browse the showcase and cast a vote for your favourite in each category. Choose with care, once your vote is cast you can't change it!


:: Meet the rest of our crack panel of expert judges here: [part 1] [part 2] [part 3

:: Have your say - visit our showcase and hit the grey VOTE button on the right. 

Posted in Awards — over 8 years ago