
Revealed: the IIB Awards 2017 Longlist

Congratulations to all who made the Information is Beautiful Awards 2017 Longlist

:: Explore the 2017 Longlist

The Longlist represents the top 50% of entries from our Showcase, covering topics from craft beer to ScrabbleStar Trek to trans peopletrolling to yoga. There are interactives, statics, mobile pieces and viz made from chocolate, clay, and vinyl


A note on categories

A fair chunk of entries explore the current cultural debate over identity. With visualizations looking at gender representation in comics, being vegan, age gap relationships and personality disorders, we decided to create a new category - People, Language & Identity. This encapsulates pieces like 1440 minutes of data which draw upon quantified self or personal info - perhaps inspired by 2015's IIB winner Dear Data?

The Corporate, Retail & Brands category contained fewer contenders, so we redistributed the best corporate entries among other relevant categories. 


Explore the impressive talent, with examples from each category, below:


Arts, Entertainment & Pop Culture 


A visual deconstruction of David Bowie’s 1969 track ‘Space Oddity'

By Miriam Quick and Valentina D'Efilippo


Current Affairs & Politics

All But Two Countries are in the Paris Climate Agreement...

Who’s in and who’s out of the Paris agreement, by total greenhouse gas emissions. 

By The Washington Post


Environments & Maps 

El Coloso

The annual emissions from cars in Los Angeles as a big bubble.

By Herwig Scherabon


Humanitarian / Global

Hybris Debris: What Humankind Leaves Behind

13 hundred pieces of tinfoil represent 13000 pieces of man-made residues in Earth’s low orbit

By Andrea Benedetti


People, Language & Identity

What’s it Like to Get Trolled All Day Long?

Experience the vitriol unleashed upon four prominent Indian women in a single day.

By Piyush Aggarwal

Science & Technology

Nuclear Slowdown

Artwork showing the use of nuclear reactors from 1950 to 2020

By Valerio Pellegrini


Sports, Games & Leisure

Rhythm of Food

Why is September 15th an important day for cheeseburgers? How did Ariana Grande influence Google searches for donuts in 2015?

by Moritz Stefaner, SImon Rogers et al



This is not a graph

Europe’s chocolate consumption displayed in kilograms per person.

By Louis Rached and Anastasia Comte


Housekeeping notes

Even if you didn't make it to the Longlist, if you paid to enter your piece should be in the 2017 showcase. Note that our team may have changed the category of your work - for example we have added a new People, Language & Identity category and removed Corporate, Retail & Brands. Not seeing your work, or need a change to credit, image or text? Contact us.


What happens next?

The longlist will be boiled down to a shortlist; all shortlistees are invited for free to our London ceremony on Tue 28 Nov. 

From Tue 17 Oct the public and our panel of expert judges will vote on the shortlist.

There are three prizes in each category - gold, ($1,000), silver ($500) and bronze ($250) - plus numerous special prizes. All winners receive a trophy.



Thurs 19 Oct - shortlist announced & public voting opens

Fri 27 Oct - voting closes at 11:59 PST

Tues 28 Nov - winners announced at our London ceremony


Feel free to shout if you're longlisted

Has your work made it through? Feel free to @-mention us on Twitter (infobeautyaward) and Facebook - we'll try to RT and share as much as we can. 


:: Browse the 2017 longlist 
:: Read more about the categories for 2017
:: Check out last year's longlist, shortlist & winners

Posted in Awards — over 7 years ago