Rainforest Plants by London College of Communication

Our living areas have been heating up, so has the heritage of the precious species in the rainforest. This series of visualisations tell the story of the countries near the equator, and dive into endangered plant species. The images of the Instagram carousel present a narrative with two lines: the Equator line and the Latitude and Longitude line of the United Kingdom. Each of the lines depicts the data about the increase in temperatures, rainforest area of the territory, number of endangered species and an introduction of a particular plant and its family.

The project is established on Instagram in reaching British environmentalist and British profiles that are concerned about endangered animals and plants, and environmental justice-related issues. By comparing the UK figures to particular countries in crisis, we aim to engage the target audiences with the issue. The significant contrast of the numbers plays an important role in calling the sense of relation which helps people to feel and understand the data.

The data visualisation could be further expanded into a series that includes the Endangered plant species in the countries that fall on the Equator line.

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