More trees to save our cities by Dalk - Data Talk

More trees to save the climate of cities is an interactive longform developed by Dalk and published by the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore to explain how and why trees, and urban greenery in general, represent one of the fundamental elements for the development of cities from a sustainable perspective - starting from an analysis of the data and passing through the objectives of the PNRR, an Italian recovery program
The Urban Green is the protagonist of the future of our cities, which are acquiring a growing centrality. They will be the main field where we will play the challenges of the future: the sustainability of our lifestyle, the fight against climate change, the search for individual well-being through development and technological innovations. A fundamental theme concerns the use of urban, public and private space. In fact, awareness has grown on phenomena such as urban dispersion and regeneration, land consumption, sustainable mobility, accessibility, quality of air and services.
Cities are the place where the battle for sustainable development will be won, or lost.
One element in particular is the background to the search for quality of life in the city: urban green. Whether it is a park or a single tree, when designing a new space or the regeneration of an existing area it is necessary to find the right location for greenery, which must be accessible in a simple and direct way.
We devised an interactive longform mixing data from different public and open sources, using maps and numbers to tell a story about urban green in Italian cities: how much greenery is there in Italian cities? What are the tree species which absorb the most CO2? How can we use open data to foster a debate around the need of public planning regarding planting trees?

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