How European Countries Generated Electricity in 2018 by Cédric Scherer Data Visualization Design

A stylized tile grid map of Europe to viusalize the share and amount of renewable energy (main visualization) and the amount of renewable, nuclear and conventional thermal energy (small multiples).

The main visualization makes uses of moon charts; in the small multiples energy production is encoded as bubbles.
In bEnergy production is mapped to the area of the circles. The outer circle serves as reference to the largest producer overall (main panel with moon charts) and per energy type (small multiples on the right) which is Germany in all cases except nuclear energy production.

Renewable energy is energy that comes from resources that are naturally replenished such as sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat. Unlike fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal, or nuclear power sources such as uranium and plutonium, renewable energy regenerates naturally in a short period of time.
Norway had an electricity production almost entirely made up of renewable energy (98%). This makes Norway the second largest producer of this energy type in Europe. In contrast, twelve European countries were reported to produce less than 20% of their energy with renewable resources in 2018: Malta (0%), Hungary (5%), Estonia (6%), Czechia (7%), Cyprus (9%), Ukraine (9%), Poland (10%), Netherlands (13%), Bulgaria (17%), Belgium (18%), Slovakia (19%), and France (19%).

The data is provided by EuroStat. The visualization was created as a personal contribution to the #TidyTuesday challenge in August 2020. The visualization was completely created in R with ggplot2. The code and image are publicly available on GitHub.
