The Calzone anomaly - Parks and Recreation by Tuan Pham

For those who have not watched "Parks and Recreation" the TV show, Ben, one of the main characters in the show, has an obsession with calzone (the food).

I obtained the transcripts of the show across all seasons from Springfield! Springfield! ( to count occurrences of the word "calzone", along with some other words that are related to other main characters' favorite food. For example, I also included "pancake" & "waffle" because they're Leslie's favorite, and "steak" & "beef" because Ron's obsessed with meat.

In the top panels of the visualization, I plotted the counts of these words across all seasons and episodes, with additional manual annotations of specific episodes in Inkscape.

To understand how unusual these words are, I also compared their relative frequency in the show to their baseline expected frequency (using

The bar plot at the bottom suggests that "calzone" is unusually highly used in the show, more than 350 times more in the English language! Next in line is the word "waffle", around 60-70 times!


The code is available here
- Repository:
- Jupyter notebook:

Data at, scraped with Word frequency comparison is with

Data visualized with:
- Seaborn
- Inkscape
