Dos Querétaros. Rezago social en el Estado de Querétaro by Brenda Battaglia Andrade
The first map shows the degree of social backwardness in each state of Mexico with three indicators: illiteracy, the population over 15 years of age with incomplete basic education, and the percentage of children between 6 and 14 years of age who do not attend school.
The second map shows the degree of social backwardness in the state of Querétaro by municipality with the representation of three indicators of educational backwardness: illiteracy, the population over 15 years of age with incomplete basic education, and the percentage of children between 6 and 14 years of age who do not they attend school. The companion map shows the urban areas of the state with the goal of showing the difference between urban and rural areas.
The third map represents the indicators of access to basic services in the home: percentage of homes with dirt floors, the percentages of people who do not have access to piped water and who do not have electricity.
The fourth map shows the indicators of access to basic services in homes in the State of Querétaro: percentage of homes with dirt floors, percentages of people who do not have access to piped water and who do not have electricity.
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