Australian Botanical Gardens by Begona Fernandez Garfias

Australia is home to an incredibly diverse range of native plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world due to the continent's isolation and unique ecosystems.

The exact number of native plant species in Australia can vary depending on the source and ongoing scientific discoveries, but it is estimated to be between 24,000 to 25,000 species.

There is a wealth of Australian flora to be discovered, and many unique native plants can be found in the numerous botanical gardens throughout the country.

Unbeknownst to many, there are more than 100 botanical gardens around Australia, exhibiting well known species such as gum trees, banksias, bottlebrushes and wattles, to more unique and even endangered species endemic to states and regions.

This infographic highlights state-by-state counts of those gardens as well as offering insight into public sentiment towards them. Suggesting which states and parks rank among Australia’s best for taking in native plants and trees.

This project highlights the wealth of natural beauty accessible to many Australians as well as celebrating some of the best garden spaces in the country. It is hoped that this information will inspire exploration of these spaces and raise awareness of these unique natural amenities.

The data exploration about Australian botanic gardens encompassed research around gardens across the country, including metrics like size, establishment dates, and Google reviews.
