The stuff we cannot sweep under a torn carpet: Perfectly imperfect tessellations from slices of Maslow’s triangle. by Moinak Bhaduri

Repetitions are vital when subtleties need to be stressed. If one has the luxury of time, repeating something becomes simple. When the medium of expression is space, however, stressing or restressing, especially in a way that is memorable, becomes tricky. Here, through novel uses of patterns called tessellations, we innovate ways of amplifying minor differences while comparing two sets and display ways - through memorable repetitions - of reporting the findings so the nuances stay in the reader's head a lot more solidly. Showcased with data from a recent Gallup survey on demographic details, politics, and business attitudes, our interactive dashboards outline easy generalizability to other contexts. Through highlighting colors, shapes, and a vital difference between backgrounds and foregrounds, we point out how detailed information and several systems of differences can be packed into this catchy instrument without being tedious on the eyes.
