Public Telegram Channels by Alexander Varlamov
Public Telegram Tech
Telegram has evolved from a simple messaging app into an aggregator of news, blogs, corporate chats, stores, and various applications. Telegram channels are growing rapidly, and now we start our day with news from Telegram channels instead of visiting news websites, which was common just 5 years ago. Additionally, Telegram has taken over some of the functions of social networks.
As part of the project, data on over 700,000 Telegram channels, ranging from 0 to over 100,000 subscribers, has been collected using web scraping and published on Kaggle.
The project collects almost all Telegram channels, except for private ones and categories for 18+. The visualization is a single Packed Bubble Chart that can transform in various ways based on sorting parameters and the algorithms used to create it. These parameters can be dynamically adjusted within the visualization. Additionally, there are separations by countries and channel themes. You can search for any channel by its technical name and see how large it is compared to other channels - this is determined by the size of the bubbles.
Ultimately, the entire Telegram universe fits onto one sheet, providing an immediate sense of how vast Telegram is and how many channels exist. This was the goal of the visualization - to illustrate the universe of Telegram.
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