AII - Impact of AI on Jobs by Nokia Bell Labs

For years, headlines have warned: AI is coming for your job! But how real is the threat? Now, for the first time, it’s possible to see exactly *how much* of a job AI might take over. This interactive data visualization presents the Artificial Intelligence Impact (AII) score, which calculates how many tasks in a job can be linked to an existing AI patent. The score is based on matching 17,879 job tasks with 24,758 AI patents, revealing how closely job responsibilities align with AI advancements.

The visualization consists of two main components: a dot plot for a quick overview of the distribution of AII scores and a searchable table for deeper exploration. Hovering over the dot plot provides insights into how different occupations compare, while filtering the interactive table reveals the top five impacted tasks and their most similar patents. A teacher, for example, might see in the visualization how their task of planning lessons matches with an AI-powered patent for automated personalized learning.

One unexpected finding: jobs typically assumed to be most at risk—such as those in manual labor—often have the lowest AII scores, while roles requiring analytical and creative skills face greater potential disruption.

This visualization transforms a vast and complex dataset into a user-friendly tool, cutting through the hype to show where AI is truly making an impact—and where human expertise remains essential.
