AP VoteCast: A visual explainer of how key groups voted in 2024 by Linda Gorman

AP VoteCast is a survey of more than 120,000 registered voters in all 50 states conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. Our graphics-driven explainer breaks down VoteCast survey data to help readers understand the composition of each candidate’s coalition and what issues voters ranked as the most important facing the country. Our story went live as soon as the first round of survey data was available at 5 pm on election night and continued to update as new data became available.

We designed these visuals with multiple levels of engagement in mind. Readers can scan the interactive Sankey diagram at the top of the page for a quick download on how demographic groups voted, or dig deep into the crosstabs to answer granular questions about how subgroups responded to questions about the economy, foreign policy, the personal qualities of the candidates and more. As the results came in, our VoteCast story provided immediate context explaining why Americans voted the way they did.
