The gutting of the Eighth Amendment by Business Insider
Business Insider chose a visually immersive approach to highlight the visceral and deeply human consequences of the arduous journey a prisoner’s claim of cruel and unusual punishment entails before a victim might achieve justice. Through stunning and impactful illustrations by Matt Rota, the feature draws readers into the stark confines of a prison cell block. The interactive experience darkens the lights on each of 100 cells, one by one, to represent the multitude of reasons Eighth Amendment cases fail. As the user scrolls, the dimming cells create a haunting visual narrative, culminating in a single illuminated prisoner. This lone prisoner starkly symbolizes the reality that less than 1% of all such claims result in a ruling in favor of the victim. The juxtaposition of light and shadow amplifies the emotional weight of these cases, emphasizing the overwhelming barriers that stand between victims and justice. By blending powerful visuals with interactive storytelling, the feature transforms abstract statistics into an intimate and unforgettable encounter, ensuring that readers grasp the profound human cost of a system where protections against cruel and unusual punishment are increasingly out of reach. This piece serves as the introduction to a deeply reported series of stories and is supplemented by concise data graphics that use a consistent format to clearly convey the rarity of prevailing in claims of Eighth Amendment violations.
CreditsRandy Yeip, data visualization director Matt Rota, illustrator Rebecca Zisser, art director
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