President Trump declared that the United States would leave the Paris climate agreement, following months of infighting among Trump’s staff that left the world in suspense. He said he hopes to...
On 1 February 2021, Myanmar's decade-long transition to democracy was upended when the military overthrew the government. This coup triggered nationwide protests by the pro-democracy public, who...
A visual representation of each of the 44 impeachment motions against governments in the past 30 years in Romania and their impact on the stock market and national currency.
One politically sharp phrase has become a method to unite an entire country. 'They have ruined this country' has become an expression referring to the bad government in the last decade.
Our visualisation sheds a new perspective on the ongoing trade war between Japan and Korea. The first chart provides an overview of goods in which Korea recorded trade deficit and surplus...
An interactive beeswarm which shows the number of days before a presidential election all major candidates since 2008 have announced their campaigns. As the user scrolls, the beeswarm dots re-color...
This visualisation aims to showcase the degree of freedom across the globe in 5 major economic areas that break down into subsequent components using the economic freedom index from Fraser...
This project used exclusive income and spending data for every school in Australia to show for the first time exactly how big the divide between rich and poor schools has grown.
The divide is so...
To capture the toll of terror, the Los Angeles Times tracked every fatal act of terrorism around the world in April. By the end of the month, terror had struck 180 times, wounded 1,385 and...
The U.K. wants to negotiate a sweeping free-trade deal with the EU to replace its single-market membership after Brexit. But the data show it's not in a great negotiating position. We visualized...
We were fortunate to find an amazing dataset on this one, since there was very little we had to do in terms of data cleaning. The original map, which showed the present abortion access at the time,...
After two Boeing 737 MAX planes crashed within six months of each other, the Journal set out to answer the question of what went wrong in a visual explainer created with painstaking accuracy. This...
In his 2004 book Perilous Times, Geoffrey R. Stone observes that with respect to free speech rights in wartime, “Time and again, Americans have suppressed dissent, imprisoned and...
The visualization is created using Tableau software and some of the design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The viz represents the recent trends of refugees migrating to the U.S from around...
In 2023, Fight for $15 celebrated a decade of major victories raising the minimum wage across the United States. This work was commissioned and printed for a New York exhibition featuring the art...
As a result of the increase of online population and connected technologies in daily life, an unprecedented amount of personal data is being generated and collected. The visualization explains the...
Since 2000, China has provided upwards of $160 billion in development finance to the energy sector for foreign governments across the globe. To understand the scope and breadth of these...
In response to heightened violence against Asian Americans in the U.S., Leading Asian Americans to Unite for Change (LAAUNCH) and The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) have conducted a national...
No sitting American president traveled outside the country before Theodore Roosevelt traveled to Panama in 1906 to see the construction of the Panama Canal. A century later Air Force One regularly...
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sought to allay American’s fears of North Korea’s nuclear threat by saying, “Americans should sleep well at night,” we asked, should we? What would happen if...
In the informal economies of some Chicago neighborhoods, crime indicates need. I created a system to visualize the intersection between arrest rate, race, and median income throughout Chicago's 77...
This is the story of how Russian oligarchs tried to escape the sanctions. Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, a significant part of the Russian establishment has been on sanctions lists...
With the accumulation of urbanization and the population, the demand for air travel is expanding. Through the airport flights and airline data of 230 cities, the works have an insight into how the...
Bio: I am an information designer and data sonification artist. I'm passionate about creating short, impactful data stories as well as nuanced, complex data-rich long reads. Throughout the design...
“The Cost” is an infographic depicting the physical, mental, political, and financial costs of one of the most catastrophic disasters in U.S. history. The water of Flint, Michigan was contaminated...