Dear Judges:
When Sen. Kamala Harris' presidential debate received a boost in polling after her exchange with former Vice President Joe Biden in the first democratic debate, we wanted to know...
Last year, Quinnipiac University polled Texans on the Senate race between Democrat Beto O'Rourke and Republican Ted Cruz, which Ted went on to win. The poll asked about the issues and...
The Philippines has been experiencing rapid economic growth in the past 10 years, yet there is a huge contrast between economic development and poverty incidence among the regions. Did the rural...
The far-right AfD could win in the upcoming elections in eastern Germany for the first time. We analyzed polls and discovered a pattern connecting infightings with voter approval.
Along the...
With the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts is likely to be the median justice. How has the ideology of the median justice and chief justice shifted over...
Besides economic data and company fundamentals, market psychology as well as general investor sentiment helps in determining stock prices. Economic data and Company fundamentals are usually...
Global reported number of natural disasters, including climatological, geophysical, hydrological, and meteorological events. The global land and ocean surface temperature anomaly refers to the...
The election of November, 2018 ushered in the new 116th Congress of the United States of America. This visualization attempts to answer the question, “How diverse is the 116th Congress?” It does...
In early 2019, The Economist built a demographic model using 90,000 individual survey responses from YouGov to calculate an individual’s probable attitude to each of three possible Brexit options:...
Kim Jong Un’s policy of nuclear brinkmanship is based on North Korea’s ability to build and launch ballistic weapons with nuclear payload. We assess and map the country's efforts to fulfil this...
Terrorism has been a popular news item for over several decades. It’s a very complex issue, that originates from various extremists’ ideologies. But what the headlines don’t commonly say, is that...
Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet contributes about 0.8 millimeters a year to global sea level rise. That number might sound insignificant but it is accelerating, and part of a trend that could...
The Vietnam War lasted from 1955 to the fall of Saigon in 1975, with more than 58,000 Americans killed in the war. This data visualization demonstrates the burden of casualties that the US Army...
Both the U.S. and Russia have a long history of interfering in foreign elections. This map displays known instances of U.S. and Soviet/Russian electoral interference from 1946 through 2000.
This work is made for our client, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Team. As the client requested, and to suit our target audiences' reading habits, it is a mobile-only version, so please watch it on a...
It is no surprise that wealthy, industrialized nations consistently perform well on indicators of government-influenced social progress. It is more interesting to examine countries' performance on...
With this real-time data visualization project I try to address one of the hottest topics in today's Italian politics: is it true that Matteo Salvini (deputy PM and Minister of Internal Affairs)...
Global fishing is big business, and it is common to fish in other countries waters, both legally and illegally. How does the economic wealth of a country relate to its fishing activities?
What makes a country happy?
The World Happiness Report was released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations on March 14, days before World Happiness Day on March...
Warming Warning immerses visitors in a three-dimensional visualization of ongoing climate change. On one side, the > 1.5 °F change (since 1880) in global average temperature is highlighted...
This project visualizes ten metrics, from freedom and governance scores to happiness and wellbeing indexes, for every country. The visualization offers a readable result despite the number of...
Plenum is a website that shows the complex structure of the European Parliament and makes it understandable. In an introduction, basic facts about the parliament are presented and its complete...
‘Basômetro’ is a tool that monitors the votes of each representative in Brazil’s House of Representatives, with historical data ranging back from 2003 up to now. It then calculates a government...
China's emergence as a global power is likely to be the most consequential factor in twenty-first-century international politics. Yet the nature of Chinese power is poorly understood. Its...
The Social Credit System is a national reputation system in development by the Chinese Government, which will give to each Chinese citizen a score based on their identity online and their behaviour...
2019 vote EU is an online tool that allows you to explore the opinions of over 250 political parties from 28 EU member states on 22 policy statements for the 2019 European Elections.
Many vote...
Producers of heavy and medium sour crude oil grades like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iraq are among the winners from US sanctions aimed at Iranian shipments.
This sankey graphic looks at which...
In collaboration with OECD, we created an interactive data platform to help countries assess their state of digital development and formulate policy strategies in response. The toolkit supports the...
The aim of this data visualization is to discover the events of people failing to reach Europe between 2000 and 2018. It allows readers to visualize incidents and the resulting casualties across...