Passing your driving test is a challenging task but did you know some locations have easier to pass tests than others? I've visualised all driving test centre pass rates in the UK to find the...
This infographic shows kinship names in 7 different European languages; three of them are neo-Latin languages, three are Germanic languages, and one is Slavic.
The terms are organized in...
The theme of this data-art is my small family tree. Patterns and symbols were taken from the Northern folk painting - Mezen. Each element in this work represents one of the closest family members.
This infographic is one of the cutest and most romantic projects I've ever worked on. For his girlfriend's birthday, Robin asked me to design a visualization based on a dataset coming from their...
Como resultado de una investigación acerca del lenguaje humano y la percepción del significado, se ha desarrollado Versolid. Un sistema de representación visual que permite traducir mediante...
For this project, I collaborated with another data enthusiast, Caroline Cullinan, to build a tool (and a story) for Female Assigned at Birth (AFAB) and Femme Folx to better understand which states...
X-DATA’s Data Lab, a Mexican data analytics studio, is the place of experimentation that led to the creation of the first data visualization project focused on Mexican gastronomy and which was...
Total War is an illustrated account of the most pivotal historical episode of the 20th century: the Second World War. This authoritative, immersive account of a conflict that forever reshaped the...
How long does it take to catch the most wanted criminals in America? In this viz I dive into the history of the FBIs most wanted list and how long the suspects remained wanted.
Visual interpretation of gender inequality amongst Brussels streets. It shows that only 6% of Brussels streets are named after women.
The data and gender tagging is the result of combined effort...
This is a vizualisation of all the travels of my life so far. I created it as my final project for the "Effective Data Visualization: Transform Information into Art" class on Domestika from Sonja...
This work focuses on assembly line workers, paying attention to the seemingly ordinary but important groups in life. It breaks people's cognitive differences in the form of data visualization,...
The Nobel Prizes are five separate prizes , according to Alfred Nobel's will of 1895, are awarded to "those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to Mankind. Nobel...
In 2021, I worked with a friend who wanted to give a special gift to her boyfriend. She asked me for an infographic and, instead of ‘making it’ for her, I made her a template so she could make her...
What we search for reveals something of ourselves: our interests, our fears, our curiosity, or simply what we have forgotten. And it's not just what we search for, as how we search reveals...
Newspapers are still at large in India despite the digital takeover. This visualization aims to portray the circulation of newspapers across different states and UTs(Union Territories) of India,...
The British Library in London commissioned me to create an artwork for the London exhibition "Visualising Victorian News".
The exhibition illustrates 19th-century news themes using data from...
An exploration of the most common searches in Google related to what we dream about. More details:
“What do you think the world will be like twenty years from now?” On being asked that question, probably not that many people could put into words what they imagine the future holds. After all,...
We reflect each March on women's pay in the USA and how long into the new year a woman must work to earn the same as a non-Hispanic white man.
By summer, those speeches and stories are likely a...
'Self-portrait' is a digital print series created by a generative drawing system using p5j.js. The series explores the responses of members of my audience to a description of their personal...
This data visualization has been created for the challenge the Data Visualization Society (DVS) holds every year to understand the results of the State Of The Industry (SOTI) survey. The...
I’ve always had a special relationship of curiosity and affection towards languages.
Languages can be seen as living structures. They develop in a given context, they evolve, they change and...
My breastfeeding journey on my first born was extremely challenging and I had to overcome many hurdles. I went on to feed her for a year and found it to be a very rewarding experience....
In the process of contemporary urbanization in China, new workers are the main body and practitioner of urban space construction. However, there is no room for them to live in the beautiful city...
Research has shown that our personality can affect our income and the jobs we are suitable for. Enter your personality type to see how your personality is affecting your finances.
The Black Lives Matter Street Mural Map documents and visualizes street murals with the goal of understanding these artworks and their viral spread, showcasing (especially black) artists, and...
This visualization was built to celebrate (the late) Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. It explores how long each of the Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom spent on the throne.
This visualisation looks back at four years of the Tableau project, Viz For Social Good - a project that aims to help non-profits by connecting them with data viz professionals who give their time...