
2015 Awards Categories

Closing date for nominations is in two weeks and competition will be fierce, but worry not: there are many chances of winning, 18 to be exact. Besides six special awards, work will be judged between free and paid entries in 12 unique categories as follows:

Free entries

Amazing works created independently or within publishing / public service may be entered for free. Any work from May 2014 onwards will be considered for entry. Nominate something now and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Knowledge is Beautiful. Or tweet a link with hashtag #iibawards.

Data visualisation: a singular, static visualisation of data, like 2012 Silver winner Look at the sky:

Look at the Sky


Infographic:  a series of visualisations strung along a theme or story, like 2012 Gold winner Cover Mania:


Cover Mania


Interactive: an interactive data visualisation or infographic, like last year’s BioBased Economy:



Motion Infographic: a video or animation based visualisation, like 2013 Bronze winner DNA Explainer:



Data journalism: a journalistic piece that uses data visualisations along with the article text, like the Complete Guide to Las Vegas Healthcare:



Mini or Mobile Viz: a small graph, visualisation, or a visualisation designed for mobile viewing, like this chart about US peace:



Project: a large project involving many visualisations, a website or app or book, like last year's Gold winner, Selfiecity.



Data viz website: what is your favourite website to see new work and get inspired?

Nominate now!

Paid entries

If your agency, studio or business has created dataviz projects for clients, enter them here in either of these categories:

  • Paid Tool: Any subscription-based dataviz tool
  • Commercial Client Project: Commissioned piece of work for a commercial client
  • Internal Business Project: A dataviz project you created for internal use
  • Commercial Studio: You're a commercial entity who creates dataviz as part (or all) of your output

Enter now!

All entries will be considered by our esteemed panel of judges.
Closing date is: 30th October 2015 Midnight PST

Posted in Awards — over 9 years ago