Once upon a time in Paris, France, aptly known now as the City of Love, the birth to moving pictures projected to audiences was truly love at first sight, marking the start of movie dates for young...
To celebrate 20 years since Roger Federer's first victory in the ATP, we made this infographic where the total figures, trajectory in the ATP ranking and classification in the four Grand Slams...
The 2016 passage of General Data Protection Regulations in the EU put into effect the strictest data privacy laws in the world. In the years since, more countries—including the U.S., Brazil, and...
Aisin Gioro Nurhachi was the founder of the Qing Dynasty. He had a remarkable military record all his life. With the time latitude as the logic and the space latitude as the clue, we deeply study...
In 1947, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists commissioned artist Martyl Langsdorf to create a design for their magazine’s cover, and the Doomsday Clock was born; a boldy simple depiction where...
I was thrilled to be asked by Neon Rated to produce a poster exploring the work of one of my favorite screenwriters and directors, Bong Joon Ho, as part of the US marketing for his latest movie,...
One of a series of posters for the World Energy Council depicting 'Humanising Energy', looking at the evolution of energy (how we use it, the ecological responsibilities) from 1920 to the present.
Where do the people with the lowest salaries live, and where the people with the highest? Zeit Online shows the development of the past 20 years for all municipalities.
This piece is my re-envisioning of how we visualise humanitarian disasters like COVID-19. Given the rapidly growing nature of India's outbreak, I decided to draw attention to both its magnitude and...
InfoTrust Summer Shred Challenge 2022 is an annual company-wide initiative to encourage everyone to be active during the summer season. The challenge ran between June 21, 2022 until September 22,...
The piece is meant to be targeted to HR professionals to help understand the changing workforce. The data was meant to be clear and accessible in a straightforward way, and easily digestible. In...
The rippling effects of the pandemic included disruptions to the corn-supply chain, which included worker shortages, unpredictable ethanol demand and machinery scarcity. These layers of disruptions...
Baseball–the “national pastime” in the United States–has been almost exclusively a male sport. However, between 1943 and 1954 – beginning during World War II and continuing for twelve seasons – the...
Mangrove forests are one of the most productive marine ecosystems in tropical and subtropical coastal areas. They have the characteristics of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems and are also...
This chart visualises the entirety of companies comprising the FTSE Vanguard Global All Cap fund, a passive index fund comprised of large, mid-sized and small company shares in developed and...
An analysis of your favorite sci-fi movies from the ‘80s.
Rediscover all the sci-fi movies from the '80s in this visualization showing the connections between movies and main actors.
Between 2011 and 2021, Zambia's national expenditure increased by a staggering 482%. This DataViz explores this growth by sector.
This viz was featured in the Tableau Conference Viz Gallery in...
"Obstetric Fistula: A Women's Health Crisis" is a data-driven magazine spread detailing what obstetric fistulas are and how they affect women in developing countries. Data for this piece was...
Data Dance Movement is a response to Asian hate incidents and bystander intervention mainly related to Covid-19. In this design research project, I collected qualitative information through...
Terrorism is defined as "The threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or...
Denmark will likely soon have an election. While the Social Democrat lead government technically still has a year to decide on a date, one of the supporting parties has declared that if an election...
The Banda Ultralarga (Ultrafast Broadband) Strategic Plan ("BUL") for Italy was announced in 2015 with a promise that by 2020, infrastructure to support broadband internet connection would reach...
Perfect Match is an annual Valentine's Day matchmaking service built for Cornell University that algorithmically pairs students with their perfect matches. The set of visualizations, based on the...
This visualization explores the growth in Las Vegas hotel room inventory, from 1970 to 2018. It highlights notable hotels which have opened and closed during that time, and how they in turn...
‘See how global warming has changed the world since your childhood’ sets out to shift people's understanding of climate change from an abstract future problem to something that is deeply personal...
This work sprung from a database on the titles of papers of NBER programs. I kept only papers between 1980 and 2020, removed stopwords, and unified some terms. Then, I obtained the 5 most used...
During 2021–2022 I engaged on a personal project hoping to deepen my knowledge and experience in data visualization. I wanted to experiment with different tools, graph types and presentations. I...
Carla was born at 8:24 am at the Sagrat Cor hospital in Barcelona. On the day of her birthday we printed a newspaper with an infographic together with family and friends to see how C.'s days were...